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Who We Are
The Female Force is a podcast based in Toronto, Canada with a purpose of inspiring  and uplifting young women and girls by sharing stories and experiences of women who have overcome challenges and succeeded in various fields. Our podcasts cover a range of topics, including career, personal growth, mental health, relationships, and social issues affecting successful women. Through these candid conversations, listeners can gain valuable insights, strategies, and tools to empower themselves and achieve their goals.  Our goal is to provide a sense of community and support to women and girls who may feel isolated or marginalized in their own lives.  We hope The Female Force podcast can help to foster a culture of empowerment and encourage more women to step into their power and create positive change in their own lives and in the world around them.


It gives us tremendous pride to be recognized for all of the hard work we do here at The Female Force. Explore some of our latest media features below. Do they inspire you to get involved? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Breaking Barriers: The Impact of Canada's Women's Soccer Team on Gender Equality in Sports

February 28th, 2023

Women in the spotlight: Meet Anita Anand

February 21st, 2023


Check Out Our Podcast!

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©2023 by The Female Force. 

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